This full Moon is Mars-ruled - a Mars deep in process, over his head in an ocean of grief and pain, mourning all those who have perished in traumatic circumstances: war or natural disasters. Feeling overwhelmed by a Cancerian need to nurture and take care of the survivors, reassure and comfort them, while being submerged in the grief of generations past, mourning their descendants and wailing the future of Humanity.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, has joined the Moon in this procession and urges us to express our emotions: grief, pain but also anger at what has been done. We, as humans, cannot go on slaughtering our youth, women and children without grave consequences. In an overpowering Grand Cross in Cardinal signs, we have the Sun and Moon/Chiron squaring off with a fallen Mars in Cancer, and Pluto, having just turned direct at the anaretic degree (29º) of Capricorn, just prior to leaving that sign for the next 248 years. This is an incredibly powerful and consequent formation - and although Pluto’s inclusion in this Cardinal Grand Cross may be questioned by some astrologers, his position at 29º - some say this is the most potent degree of any sign - suggests an urgency to “get the job done” before it’s too late.
And what job might that be? I find it fascinating that Pluto’s last stand in Capricorn coincides with the presidential elections in the US, which - as we all know - has consequences for the whole world. Since 2008, Pluto has been exposing and dismantling big government, big medicine, big tech, etc., and showing them for what they are: giant corporations owned and run by a small group of people who have amassed untold wealth and power, and who have taken it upon themselves to make decisions for Humanity without our knowledge or consent.
Before 2008, most people had no idea what the World Economic Forum was, or what went on each year during the highly secretive meetings of these elite in Davos, Switzerland. This has changed, and as these organizations are being exposed by the outliers who have refused to bow down to the tyranny imposed upon humanity, especially since covid, we see all-time lows in viewership of the mainstream media propaganda machine while the alternative media players have soared in popularity. Which doesn’t mean they are necessarily truthful or trustworthy - that is your job to decide which media you trust and which you don’t.
For the past 16 years, Pluto - much like Toto - has been pulling the curtain back and exposing who is really behind the big and powerful Oz. Now, in his last days in Capricorn, he is finishing up the job and uncovering the last, and possibly most damning and explosive information pertaining to those who are actually pulling the strings. October surprise, maybe?
Why has no one on Epstein’s flight log ever even been questioned? And what kind of information does Sean P. Diddy have on some powerful public and political figures? If Pluto has his way, we may find out very soon. As for the elections, although some people claim they have been “selections” for several decades - which I would agree with - , I feel that by putting our energy into the democratic process devised by our forefathers, however flawed it may be, we are participating in a sacred duty, regardless of how we vote. This may sound contradictory, but for me, it’s not how you vote that counts - it’s the energy you put behind your vote. Irrespective of the outcome, whether or not it’s what we wanted, we may find that ultimately it was the right choice. I say, vote your conscience, but definitely vote - our lives may depend on it. Remember, Pluto is all about life and death, and he has the final word!
An Aries full Moon is normally very upbeat, spontaneous and positive, but not only is she conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, as stated earlier, she squares her host, Mars, who is in over his head. Perhaps this Moon is urging us to find balance between focus on self and self-healing, and whatever “other” represents in our lives, whether our intimate relationship, our family, our pets, our work, our community… Often times, that self-healing comes through our relationships to other, and especially with Mars in such a precarious position, we may be working through feelings of anger, despair, helplessness, hopelessness… maybe wanting to cut away excess, set boundaries and/or remove ourselves from toxic, hurtful situations.
Venus, also in her fall in Scorpio, like Ms. Luna, is subject to the moods, trials and tribulations of her host, Mars. At 29º Scorpio, the powerful, anaretic degree, she is processing through some key aspects that have recently past or are forming, with generational planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Now completing her opposition to Uranus in Taurus, Venus is letting go of possessions, and perhaps even relationships, that no longer serve her. Or, perhaps she is being dispossessed against her will, as per the intense loss and suffering that has resulted from hurricanes Helene and Milton, not to mention ongoing wars across the planet.
Neptune, oceanic god of dreams and imaginal realms, has offered to help her find creative and beautiful ways to deal with the loss. As I witness the outpouring of compassion and solidarity in the regions affected by Helene, I can’t help but notice that this is human nature: we feel the pain of others and we want to help. And if the pain is our own, allowing it to be experienced rather than trying to numb it with substances or wish it away, will allow us to process through our emotions. Those whose lives were affected will be changed forever. If loss has occurred, what has been gained? It’s probably way too early to be asking that question, but at least we know that the outer planets are supporting us through this process.
Even Pluto, god of death and rebirth, in an exact sextile (60º) with Venus, wants the blow to be softened. Change is the only constant in this 3-D reality - for some it’s easier than for others. And for those whose lives have been turned upside down and inside out, I offer my sincere thoughts and prayers of finding peace and harmony ASAP.
In spite of all the heaviness this Moon carries, it is in Aries, after all! There is always hope, no matter how dire the circumstances may be. Jupiter in Gemini, in trine (120º) and sextile (60º) aspects with the Sun and Moon, gives us a sense of levity, especially in air and fire signs. Keeping open lines of communication, expressing what needs to be said, receiving those expressions from our loved ones, will all help us to heal. In such times of pain and sorrow, may we be open to helping our neighbors in need, and to finding harmony and balance through kindness and empathy.
In Gratitude,
Sarah Songbird

Check out my upcoming events! I will be offering Family Constellations at Aligned Awakening 2024 in Covington, LA this Saturday! Then, on November 3rd, a Family Constellation workshop at Synergy Metaphysical Shop in Lafayette, LA. Last but not least, I am offering an 8-week online program, "Up-leveling your Energy Field" starting in January. I will be co-hosting this with Kaitlyn Sonnier, Ayurvedic Practitioner extraordinare, and Melodie Knapp, ceremonialist and enlightened entrepreneur.